Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Internet to everyone, everywhere...

As many of you think what is this topic, so let me clarify. I know you all think of the internet as a global community. But do you know two-thirds of the world's population does not yet have internet access. So today i am speaking for them they don't have to worry as Google has started a project nam "Project Loon" that will be able to provide internet facility who so ever needs it.

So, What is Project Loon? Project Loon is a network of balloons travelling on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, help fill coverage gaps, and bring people online so they can walk together with the rest of the world.

Project Loon Balloons float in the stratosphere, twice as high as airplanes and the weather, balloons travel approximately 20 km above the Earth's Surface in the stratosphere. In the stratosphere, there are many layers of wind, each layer of wind varies in direction and speed. Project Loon uses software algorithm to determine where its ballon need to go, then moves each one into a layer of wind blowing in right direction. By moving with the wind, the balloons can be arranged to form one large communication network, partnering with Telecommunications companies to share cellular spectrum we've enable people to connect to the ballon network directly from their phones and other LTE-enabled device. The signal is then passed across the balloon network and back down to the global Internet on Earth. Each balloon can provide connectivity to a ground area about 40 km in diameter using a wireless communication technology called LTE.

On 16 June 2013, Google began a pilot experiment in New Zealand where about 30 balloons were launched in coordination with the Civil Aviation Authority from the Tekapo area in the South Island. About 50 local users in and around Christchurch and the Canterbury Region tested connections to the aerial network using special antennas. On 28 July 2015, Google signed an agreement with officials of Sri Lanka , to launch the technology on a mass scale. As a result, Sri Lanka will be the first country in the world to get full coverage of 3G internet, using this technology.