“Brillo”, the new operating system that was announced recently at the Google I/O. Brillo is an operating system that works on very low memory and will be released under the brand of Android. More importantly, the revealing Brillo has reassured google’s belief in Internet of Things. Brillo is derived from android, has minimal system requirements, has a broad amount of silicon support and also is easy to secure.
Brillo will interact with other devices and cloud using a language called “Weave”. Weave will be a common language through which the devices will be able to communicate with other devices. With some import from Nest, Brillo will also be able to use bluetooth and wi-fi although it is not a part of Nest’s business. What google aims to do is to ease the process of putting a device online, manage the connectivity and many of the lower level functions.
Since Brillo is based on the lower levels of Android, you can choose from a wide range of hardware platforms and silicon vendors. The user can enjoy the pleasure if just focusing on his/her application development as the hardware can be taken care of easily by brillo. Metric, crash reports and updating of the device can be easily done using brillo’s web console. Weave provides seamless and secure communication between devices both locally and through the cloud.The Weave program will drive interoperability and quality through a certification program that device makers must adhere to.
Brillo is designed to be extremely lightweight and takes up very little memory which is perfect for smart home devices, that can be controlled via web interface such as locks, refrigerator controls and climate control systems. These devices have a memory far less than that of a computer or a mobile phone. Brillo will be designed to be operated on RAM as less as 64 or even 32MB. The phone version of Brillo will target phones with RAM as low as 512MB.
Google is likely to provide Brillo to manufacturers for free and hope to take over the software market, by encouraging manufacturers to adopt and use Brillo as their OS of choice. The development was bound to happen sooner or later as Google always wanted to do a project and develop something in IoT(internet of things) and especially since the company inquired about Nest in 2014. Well one can surely hope that in the coming years we might be able to enjoy the luxury of using smart home devices someday.
Written by: Pranav Lakhwara at thepapers.in
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